
I'm too damn nice »

Last night we went to a bar (which shall remain nameless, but it was on Dale Mabry in SoTrampa) and I opened a tab. We decided to leave soon after, so I went to close the tab. The bartender was like, you only had that one drink right? And I stood there for a minute and was like, no, I had two.

DAMN. I coulda gotten a 2 for 1 from the hottie bartender but I had to go and tell the damn truth.

And an FYI, I don't care how many calories it saves, gin & soda is NO REPLACEMENT for a good ol' G&T. Plus G&Ts glow under blacklights, so there ya go. A G&T'll put some meat on your bones and make you look cool doing it.

legs: youre not nice
legs: youre HONEST

Yeah, I'm really not nice.



I can't be the only one »

Who here, upon reading the words "Brokeback Mountain," thinks it says "Bareback Mountain." Can I?

Come on. Admit it. You're a pervert.

I just like talking about Brokeback Mountain because it's an excuse to say Gyllenhaal.

I also just realized that you can shorthand the title of the movie as .... BM.



Now that I think about it, I'll bet you anything there's going to be a porno named Bareback Mountain (in the same vein as say, Forrest Hump). Excellent.

See, even Jake likes yelling his last name.


some make lemonade »

Others waterski.

A vehicle pulls a water skier along a flooded street in Naples. [spt]

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the calm after the storm »

the night before wilma hit south florida, everyone was all freakin out. most of the counties in central fl were under tornado watch and all that good stuff.

since wilma hit, central florida has been nothing but gorgeous. this morning when i was driving to work it was rainy, but nothing torrential or anything like that. by 8 am, the rain had stopped and by 11 am, it was sunny and breezy and cool out. when i left work it was perfect fall weather. aka 68º and sunny. mm mm good.

of course, i'm only saying that because i don't live in naples.

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boing boing needs some geritol »

Cos baby, they are old news.

This post? Please. We were doing that ages ago. And by ages, I mean two years, when we linked up 3 or 4 XBoxes and played all night. Sometime in the morning, we all gathered around a warthog and blew its ass to kingdom come with grenades. It was pretty damn sweet.

And even though we got the leg on you, BB, I still love ya. <3



my newest obsession »

Welcome to obhession, the latest, and hopefully last, in a(n embarrassingly) long line of blogs.

COAC will be no more; please update your bookmarks (if you have one) to point to http://obhession.blogspot.com.

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