
I'm too damn nice ยป

Last night we went to a bar (which shall remain nameless, but it was on Dale Mabry in SoTrampa) and I opened a tab. We decided to leave soon after, so I went to close the tab. The bartender was like, you only had that one drink right? And I stood there for a minute and was like, no, I had two.

DAMN. I coulda gotten a 2 for 1 from the hottie bartender but I had to go and tell the damn truth.

And an FYI, I don't care how many calories it saves, gin & soda is NO REPLACEMENT for a good ol' G&T. Plus G&Ts glow under blacklights, so there ya go. A G&T'll put some meat on your bones and make you look cool doing it.

legs: youre not nice
legs: youre HONEST

Yeah, I'm really not nice.



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