
customer service rage: people who can die ยป

So as you probably know I work in a hotel, front desk. IE, customer service. Which seems really weird, given that I really fucking hate people and want them all to suffer die painfully.

Anyways this guy comes in and asks about the guy with the kayaks, how many rooms he's renting. Confused, I figure I'll just say, and tell him that if it's the guy I think it is, just one.

Then he proceeds to flip out about how the guy with the kayaks is taking up 6 parking spots, and how other people can't even find one parking spot, and how if this continues he's going to pull all his men out of our hotel. This is all, in the manner of lowlifes everywhere, punctuated with obscenities and lovely language like that.

I, attempting to act professionally, just stand there and nod and smile, squeezing in the occasional "I'm sorry" between his "This is bullshit"s. Despite my cool demeanor, inside I'm thinking, fucking asshole, do you think we really need your business? We're running 95% full and have to turn down plentiful reservations because you and your redneck crew are taking up a whole bunch of rooms.

Fucking moron.

1) People who curse at CSRs for things that are clearly out of their control can take a red-hot poker saguro cactus up the ass.

2) Never tell the truth to customers. Rather, say that you don't know or aren't sure. IE, I should have said, "the guy with the kayak? I have no idea how many rooms they have." Play dumb. Whoever said honesty was the best policy clearly didn't work in customer service.

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Blogger j4r3d said...

I can totally imagine you saying "I'm sorry" between his obscenities. T-O-T-A-L-L-Y.


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